Ben Marsh’s uksnow Mashup Sunday night
Transport for London withdraw all bus services!
Ben Marsh’s uksnow Mashup Wednesday Eve
Twitter is really becoming rather fun. Watching the tweets on #uksnow cascade on twitterfall.com, on tweetgrid, on tweetdeck, and on Spy, appearing in little white dots on googlemaps in a fabulous real-time crowdsourced weather mashup created by ben marsh, and joining with the twitterers laughing at the hilarious use of street-based web cams appearing on the BBC Nottingham home page,
it is amazing to find that #uksnow is as popular in the twitterverse as
the #superbowl this evening! [twopularFeed at midnight GMT – twopular 2
hours: Go Cards 1.55, Super Bowl 1.55, Superbowl 1.55, #uksnow 1.55,
#superbowl 1.55, Steve Perry 1.45, #puppybowl 1.45]