Understanding Digital Events: Process Philosophy and Causal Autonomy
In January 2020, David presented a paper at the 53rd Hawai’i International Conference on System Sciences, 7-11/1/20 in Maui, Hawai’i, USA, entitled “Understanding Digital Events: Process Philosophy and Causal Autonomy,” co-authored with Frantz Rowe and Jessica Muirhead.
Abstract: This paper argues that the ubiquitous digital networks in which we are increasingly becoming immersed present a threat to our ability to exercise free will. Using process philosophy, and expanding upon understandings of causal autonomy, the paper outlines a thematic analysis of diary studies and interviews gathered in a project exploring the nature of digital experience. It concludes that without mindfulness in both the use and design of digital devices and services we run the risk of allowing such services to direct our daily lives in ways over which we are increasingly losing control.
For full details of the Understanding Digital Events research project see the project website.
Reference: Kreps, D., Rowe, F., & Muirhead, J. (2020) Understanding Digital Events: process philosophy and causal autonomy. Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 7-11/1/2020