Tagged: process

Against Nature – review in Terminal

In November 2020 the journal Terminal published a review of Against Nature by Dominique Dubois. He says: “According to the author … our modern information systems are based on a triptych of individualism, positivism and the...

Understanding Digital Events

David’s new book, “Understanding Digital Events: Bergson, Whitehead, and the Experience of the Digital” was published in May 2019, by Routledge. This book featured chapters written by each of the contributors to the Colloquium...

Against Nature: interview in NANO

On New Year’s Eve 2018/19 an interview with David by Kyle Wiggins of Boston University was published in a Special Issue of the journal New Amercian Notes Online (NANO) On the Anthropocene, talking about his...

Against Nature – an introduction

The day before acting as External Examiner at Uppsala University, David presented an introduction to his book, Against Nature, to a roomful of interested researchers and scholars. The slides are below. Against Nature: The Metaphysics...

Infomateriality at ICIS San Francisco

This presentation coincided with the submission of the manuscript of the British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship Colloquium book to Routledge, and almost brings the Understanding Digital Events project to a close.  The contract with Routledge for...