Category: external examiner
In May 2022 David acted as External Examiner for PhD Candidate Konstantinos Kerasovitis. The Viva lasted three hours, during which Konstantinos answered probing questions from David, and welcomed comments and suggestions on how his...
In December 2018 David was flown out to Stockholm to spend a day at Uppsala University, and to act as External Examiner – or ‘Opponent’ as it is termed in the Swedish system –...
From February 2018 until January 2023, David has been appointed to act as External Examiner for a range of Postgraduate modules at the University of West London, focussing on MScs in Project Management, Information...
In May 2017, David acted as External Examiner to PhD Candidate Tracy Buss, whose thesis on information behaviour in the online college search process was a very interesting piece of work on an under-researched...
In October 2014 David went to Brighton to act as External Examiner for Alan D’Aiello. Alan’s thesis was on “Communicating in the Local: Digital Communications Technology Use in Brighton’s Gay Pub Scene” and made...
In February 2015, David acted as External Examiner to DBA Candidate, Gerard Culley, whose thesis was on Cloud Computing in Higher Education. There was a good deal of excellent material and David was pleased...
From January 2010 until July 2013 David acted as External Examiner for the suite of BSc Information Systems modules at Westminster Business School. During his tenure a number of small improvements were made to...
In October 2011, David went to Bath University to act as External Examiner for Patchareeporn Pluempavarn, and her thesis on Social Identity Development Through Blogging. Subject to a number of corrections, David was happy,...