Tagged: ethics

IFIP Code of Ethics

At the virtual IFIP General Assembly held 24th September 2020, GA enthusiastically adopted a new IFIP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. The Code had been adapted from the ACM Code of Ethics published...

Corporations and professionalism: awkward bed-fellows?

David published a paper in the Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, in October 2017, entitled ‘Corporations and professionalism: awkward bed-fellows?’ – a response to Oliver Burmeister’s paper, in the same issue, on Professionalism...

KTP and RRI: The Perfect Match

David and his KTP associate Jessica Blaynee presented a paper at the ETHICOMP Conference, held at de Montfort University, in September 2015. Proceedings are here Papers are also available at the ACM Library Abstract:...