Earlier Presentations
David began presenting at international conferences in 2005, shortly after gaining his first Lectureship, in the Information Systems Institute, and the Information Systems, Organisations and Society Research Centre, which he joined in 2004.
Kreps, D (2009) Virtual Oversight Over Transnational Capitalism: XBRL metadata and renewed government control of the global economy. IFIP 9.5 WG Workshop, ‘Images of Virtuality’, Athens, Greece [usir]
Kreps, D (2009) ‘user_id: cultural theory and information systems’ poster at WebSci09, Athens, Greece
Kreps, D (2008) ‘How the Web Continues to Fail People with Disabilities’ paper at ALT-C Leeds, UK [pdf]
Kreps, D and Pearson E (2008) ‘Community as Commodity’ paper at IFIP9.5 Leuphana, Germany [pdf]
Kreps, D (2008) ‘My Facebook Profile: Copy, Resemblance or Simulacrum’ paper at ECIS, Galway, Ireland[pdf]
Kreps, D & Wheeler, P (2007) ‘Language, Technology & the Body: Critical Research into Disability, Impairment & Web Accessibility for UK JobSeekers’ paper at ICIS, Montreal, Canada[pdf]
Adam, A & Kreps, D (2006) ‘Inscribing Disability: Web Accessibility and Discourses of Social Inclusion’ paper at ICS Symposium, York, UK
Kreps, D (2005) ‘The Visually Impaired Website: Representing Disability on the World Wide Web’ paper at Disability Studies conference, Lancaster, UK