Knowledge Transfer Partnership

Knowledge Transfer Partnership

Between June 2014 and September 2016 David was the ‘Knowledge Base Supervisor’ (Principal Investigator) for a Knowledge Transfer Partnership between Sigma UK Ltd and University of Salford. The title of the project was Formalising Methods for User Experience Practice and the KTP Associate worked for two years to develop this framework and achieve the aims of the Company.  The most significant outcome of the project was the development of outline methodologies for undertaking diary-studies with over 65s to discover more about their experiences using digital devices.  The final report to ESRC/InnovateUK, who provided 50% of the funding for the project (the other 50% coming from SigmaUK) summed up the achievements as follows:


“The research that has shaped and been intrinsic to the success of the KTP has also delivered highly relevant industry findings, and enabled Sigma to devise new and refined service offerings in the research space. Embedding knowledge of the psychological and sociological aspects of UX in the team has allowed Sigma to understand why certain behaviours are triggered, and to build a far greater understanding of designing products and services for specific user groups such as disabled users, older people or those facing traditional socio-economic barriers to technology use.

The partnership between Sigma and the Knowledge Base Team at Salford Business School has proven to be both warm and productive, with all indications suggesting a fruitful future. The focus and expertise in web accessibility in the Knowledge Base Supervisor’s background was both well matched and extended by this project through the focus upon digital interfaces for the elderly and the adoption by the Company of the Digital Inclusion Charter. The Tech for Good agenda pursued by the company, alongside its more commercial aims sits well with the ethos of the Knowledge Base team. One of the best meetings was the one-day workshop through which the workplan was reviewed and revised, leading to successful outcomes at the end of the second year.”


Kreps, D., (2014)‘The Time of our Lives: Understanding Irreversible Complex User Experiences’11thHuman Choice and Computers International Conference, Turku, Finland 7/2014

Kreps, D., Blaynee, J., Kutar, M., & Griffiths, M. (2015) ‘KTP and RRI: The Perfect Match’ at ETHICOMP De Montfort University, Leicester, 7th-9thSeptember 2015.

Blaynee, J., Kutar, M., Kreps, D., & Griffiths, M. (July 2016)‘Collaborative HCI and UX: Longitudinal Diary Studies as a means of Uncovering Barriers to Digital Adoption’ Proceedings of British HCI 2016 Conference Fusion, Bournemouth, UK

Kreps, D., Blaynee, J., and Burmeister, O., (2016) ‘Skeuomorphic Reassurance: Personhood, Dementia, and Gerontechnology’ in David Kreps, Gordon Fletcher, Marie Griffiths (Eds.) Technology and Intimacy: Choice or Coercion. 12th IFIP TC9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers 2016, Salford, UK, September 7-9, 2016, Proceedings Cham, Switzerland: Springer International

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