Performing the Discourse of Sexuality Online
David published a chapter in the book Digital Identity and Social Media, in 2013, entitled ‘Performing the Discourse of Sexuality Online’.
This is available online as a sample chapter from the book.
Abstract: This chapter focuses on Foucault, Butler, and video-sharing on sexual social networking sites. It argues that the use and prevalence of video-sharing technologies on sexual social networking websites has a direct impact on notions of sexual identity. Though sometimes pitted against one another and at times contradictory, the ideas of Michel Foucault and Judith Butler on the nature and expression of sexuality and gender identities in fact gel rather well, and both can help us to gain a deeper and more rounded picture of the impact and importance of the burgeoning phenomenon of internet dating websites in general, and sexual social networking in particular.
Kreps, D (2013) ‘Performing the Discourse of Sexuality Online’ Chapter in Warburton, S. & Hatzipanagos, S (Eds.) Digital Identity and Social Media Hershey, PA: IGI Global pp118-132 DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1915-9.ch009