Level 2; Semester 2; Mondays 2pm-5pm from 30/9/02; David Kreps d.g.kreps@salford.ac.uk
This module provides a detailed account of both the origins and contemporary practice of hacking. Using both theory and empirical examples the culture of the computer underground is explored in relation to the broader context of the Information Revolution. The module examines the implications of hacking for such traditional concepts as deviancy and property rights and suggests that the activity highlights important aspects of the more general relationship between society and technology. The module shows that hacking is a hotly disputed phenomenon and our understanding of it is more a result of actively contested interpretations than any essential meaning.
On completion of the module students will have a sophisticated understanding of the cultural and technical context of the hacking phenomenon and its relationship to the wider computing environment. The module will provide students with detailed knowledge of the way in which seemingly technical issues such as computer security are inextricably linked with social processes that structure our understanding of such issues.
Assessment will take the form of two 3,000 word assignments each worth 50% of the total course mark. Teaching will take the form of a mixture of lectures and structured debates.
Read Kapor, M., (1991) 'Civil Liberties in Cyberspace: When does hacking turn from an exercise of civil liberties into crime?' Scientific American, September, 1991, available at: http://www.eff.org/pub/Legal/cyberliberties_kapor.article. and Hannemyr, G., (1997) 'Hacking Considered Constructive', Position paper for the 1997 Oksnøen Symposium on Pleasure and Technology, available at http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue4_2/gisle/ as an introduction to the issues in the course.
The hack, the technical basis of hacking is defined and illustrated with reference to practical examples. The "true" hack is shown to apply to technology and technological systems in general rather than just computers.
Cyberspace, the environment in which hackers operate, was first popularised as a concept in William Gibson's Neuromancer which also provided a fictional portrayal of some of hacking's psychological aspects. Such portrayals are examined as exaggerated examples of real world hacking issues.
The fictional analysis of hacking is grounded in a description of the main elements of the contemporary computer underground. The psychological and social factors lying behind hacking are explored.
A key aspect of hacking culture is its overwhelming dominance by men. Statistical and documentary evidence is provided of this gender gap and explanations based upon psycho-sexual and cultural theories are assessed.
A central part of the development of hacking has been the increasingly negative connotations it has attracted. This is shown to result from an active process of stigmatisation carried out by various interest groups in opposition to those who argue for a more ameliatory approach to hackers.
A reading relevant to the course and its assessment will be assigned in this week - watch this space.
A direct corollary of the stigmatisation process is shown to be the increasing distinction between those involved in the legitimate computer security industry and those who remain part of a self-styled computer underground.
The socially constructed nature of hacking's deviant status is illustrated by showing the various ways in which the perceived illegality of hacking activities has evolved over time rather than as a result of any absolute qualities.
Some of the earliest hacking activities were closely linked with an anti-authoritarian ethos.
One strand of hacker culture has closely associated the right to access information with neo-libertarian politics. This conflation is explored to explain the advent of Cypherphunks and as a further example of the female-unfriendly nature of some hacking culture.
The above lectures will be of 90 minutes duration, followed by questions, and then a twenty minute break. After the break, from Week 3 onwards, there will be a debate on a topic already covered by the lectures. In Week 2 students will have a chance to select the topic they wish to debate, and whether to debate for or against the 'motion'. The list of motions for debating is available as a pdf document.
Coupland, D. (1995) Microserfs, London: Flamingo.
Gibson, W. (1984) Neuromancer, London: Grafton.
Taylor, P.A. (1999) Hackers: Crime in the Digital Sublime, London: Routledge.
Due to the hi-tech nature of hacking a large body of material
relevant to the course can be found on the Web. Detailed advice and suggestions
about Web source materials will be given during the appropriate classes. Here are a few. (Each link opens a new browser window.)
www.mi2g.com - IT consultancy specialising in Web hacks and security. Check out the News section for some very up-to-date info.
http://www.securityfocus.com/ - Another consultancy with useful info and statistics.
Phrack online Hacker magazine.
2600 - the website of the phreakers newsletter.
Computer Underground Digest [CuD]
There are also a number of links listed below.
Barlow, J. P. (1990) 'Crime and Puzzlement', Whole Earth Review, Fall 1990, 44-57.
Bequai, A. (1987) Technocrimes, Lexington (Mass): Lexington.
Bloombecker, B. (1990) Spectacular Computer Crimes, Ilinois USA, Dow Jones-Irwin.
Boorsook, P. (2000) Cyberselfish: A Critical Romp Through theTerribly Libertarian World of High-Tech, Little, London: Brown and Company.
Borden, E., (1991) 'Sexism and the CU' Computer Underground Digest, Vol. 3.00 file 4.
Bowcott, O. and Hamilton, S. (1990) Beating the System, London, Bloomsbury.
Bowcott, O. (1993), 'Hacking and the Bedworth Syndrome', The Guardian, (Review Section:19), Thursday, April 1, 1993.
Brook, J. & Boal, I. [eds.] (1995) Resisting the Virtual Life: The Culture & Politics of Information, San Franciso: City Lights.
Carr, E. (1990) 'Elemental Issues', Micro Decision , June 1990, 30-31.
Cherny, L. and Weise, E. R., (eds), (1996) Wired Women: Gender and New Realities in Cyberspace, Seattle: Seal Press.
Citarella, K. (1992) 'Computer Crime, Computer Security and Human Values' in NCCV (1992), 55-58.
Clough, B. and Mungo, P. (1992) Approaching Zero: Data Crime and the Computer Underworld, London: Faber and Faber.
Colligan, D.(1982) 'The Intruder - A biography of Cheshire Catalyst' Technology Illustrated (Oct/Nov 1982) available at http://www.dsl.org/m/doc/arc/nws/cheshire.phk.
Conley, V. (ed), (1993) Rethinking Technologies, Ohio: Miami University Press
Coupland, D. (1995) Microserfs, London: Flamingo.
Dann, J., and Dozois, G., (1996) Hackers, New York: Ace Books.
Dark Adept. (1990) 'The Hermetic Underground', Computer Underground Digest, Vol. 2.15, File 7 of 7.
Davis, J., (undated) 'Psychological Warfare Primer for Online Activists', available at http://www.eff.org/A/psychwar.primer
De Lacy, J. (1989) 'The Sexy Computer', in Forester, T. (ed) (1989), 228-236.
Denning, Dorothy E. (1990) 'Concerning Hackers Who Break into Computer Systems.' Paper presented at the National Computer Security Conference, Washington, D.C., October 1-4 1990, 653-664.
Denning, D. E., (1992) 'Responsibility and Blame in Computer Security' in NCCV (1992), 46-54.
Denning, D. E., (1992b) 'Hacker Ethics' in NCCV (1992), (59-64).
Denning, P. J., (ed). (1990) Computers Under Attack: Intruders, Worms and Viruses, Reading (Mass.): ACM Press and Addison-Wesley.
Doctor Crash, (1986) 'The Techno-Revolution', Phrack, 1 (6): Phile 3.
Dougan, W., and Gieryn, T. (1990), 'Robert Morris: Worm? Virus? Hero?', Unpublished paper, Sociology Departments of UCLA and Indiana Universities.
Douglas, M. (1966) Purity and Danger. London: Routledge and Keegan Paul.
Dreyfus, S., (1997), Underground: tales of hacking, madness and obsession on the electronic frontier, Kew: Mandarin.
Dunlop, C. and Kling, R., (eds), (1992) Computerization and Controversy: Value Conflicts and Social Choices, Boston: Academic Press.
Elliot, C. and Mackay, A., (1993) 'Everyone pays a high price to beat hackers', The Times, p. 5.
Fine, D., (1995) 'Why is Kevin Lee Poulsen Really in Jail?' available at http://www.well.com/user/fine/journalism/jail.html.
Forester, T. (ed), (1989) Computers in the Human Context, Oxford Basil: Blackwell.
Forester, T. and Morrison, P., (1990) Computer Ethics: Cautionary Tales and Ethical Dilemmas in Computing, Camb. (Mass.): MIT Press.
Gibson, W., (1984) Neuromancer, London, Grafton.
Gibson, W., (1986) Burning Chrome, London, Grafton.
Gilboa, N., (1996) 'Elites, Lamers, Narcs and Whores: Exploring the Computer Underground' in Cherny, L. and Weise, E. R., (1996), 98-113.
Godell, J., (1996) The Cyberthief and the Samurai: the true story of the Kevin Mitnick and the man who hunted him down, New York: Dell.
Gold, S., (1990) 'Computer Security', Micro Decision, June 1990, 47-61.
Goldstein, E., (1990) 'Response to Telecom Digest's views Computer Underground Digest, Vol.1:13, July 1990.
Goldstein, E. (1993) 'Hacker testimony to House Subcommittee largely unheard', Computer Underground Digest, Vol 5:43.
Goodwins, R., (1993) 'Motley bunch hack at the end of universe', The Independent, Friday 13 August, p.11.
Haffner K., and Markoff J. (1991) Cyberpunk: Outlaws and Hackers on the Computer Frontier, London: Fourth Estate.
Hannemyr, G., (1997) 'Hacking Considered Constructive', Position paper for the 1997 Oksnoen Symposium on Pleasure and Technology, available at http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue4_2/gisle/
Hansard, (1990a) United Kingdom Parliamentary Debates, House of Commons, 9th Feb, 1990.
Hansard, (1990b) United Kingdom Parliamentary Debates, Standing Committee C, Wednesday 28 March, 1990.
Haraway, D., (1985) 'A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the 1980's', Socialist Review, no 80, 40-55.
Harris, G., (1993) 'Computer hacking 'addict' is cleared of conspiracy', The Scotsman, Thursday March 18, p. 1.
Harris, G., (1993b) 'Daring data raider dependent on hacking fix', The Scotsman, Thursday 18 March, p. 3.
Holloway, J., and Peláez, E., (Undated) 'Learning to Bow: Post-Fordism and Technological Determinism' Unpublished paper: Edinburgh University.
Hollinger, R. C. and Lanza-Kaduce, L. (1988) 'The Process of Criminalization: The Case of Computer Crime Laws.' Criminology, Vol 26, No.1, p. 101-126.
Independent editorial (1993) 'Odd addiction, perverse verdict', Thursday March 18, p. 25.
Johnson, B., (1991) 'What the Laws enforce' RISKS 11.32, March 1991.
Johnston, M. and Wood D. (1985) Right and Wrong in Public and Private Life, London: Gower.
Kane, A. and Mason, J. (1993) 'When hacking turns into an obsession', Financial Times, Thursday 18 March, p. 7.
Kane, P. (1989) V.I.R.U.S. Protection: Vital Information Resources Under Siege, New York: Bantam.
Kapor, M., (1991) 'Civil Liberties in Cyberspace: When does hacking turn from an exercise of civil liberties into crime?' Scientific American, September, 1991, available at: http://www.eff.org/pub/Legal/cyberliberties_kapor.article.
Karnow, C. E.A, (1994), 'Recombinant Culture: Crime In The Digital Network', Defcon II Las Vegas July 1994.
Keller, L. S., (1988) 'Machismo and the Hacker Mentality: Some personal observations and speculations'. Paper presented to WiC (Women in Computing) Conference, 57-60.
Kidder, T. (1982) The Soul of a New Machine. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Landreth, B., (1985) Out of The Inner Circle, Washington: Microsoft Press.
Laughlin, C. 'What the Laws enforce Debate', RISKS 11.34, March 1991.
Levy, S., (1984) Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell.
Littman, J., (1996), The Fugitive Game: online with Kevin Mitnick, the inside story of the great cyberchase, Boston: Little, Brown and Co.
Littman, J., (1997), The Watchman: The twisted life and crimes of serial hacker Kevin Poulsen, Boston: Little, Brown and Co.
Lundell, A., (1989) Virus! The Secret World of Computer Invaders that Breed and Destroy, Chicago, Contemporary Books.
Lynas, M., (1993) 'Mother Tells of Hacker's Addiction', Edinburgh University Student Newspaper, p. 1.
Lynch, D. (2000) ABCNEWS.com : Wired Women: It's a Guy Thing - Why Are There So Few Female Hackers? Available at: http://abcnews.go.com/sections/tech/WiredWomen/wiredwomen000223.html
Marcuse, H. (1964) One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society, Boston: Beacon Press.
Marda, L. & Ray, D. (1990), 'Crime Bytes Back' OMNI , Vol 12 PT 11, 34-102.
Marotta, M. E., (1993) 'Online with the Superhacker', available at http://www-kzsu.stanford.edu/uwi/post/mercury.html.
Matthews, D. 'A Bug in the Machine' The Sunday Correspondent, 17th December 1989, 37-41.
McLuhan, M. Understanding Media. New York: New American Library, 1964.
The Mentor, (1986) 'The Conscience of a Hacker' Phrack, Vol 1 Issue 7, phile 3 of 10.
Metcalfe, S., (1986) New Electronic Information Services: An Overview of the U.K. Database Industry in an International Context, London: Aldershot Gower.
Meyer, Gordon R. (1989) 'The Social Organisation of the Computer Underground', Unpublished Masters Thesis, Northern Illinois University.
Meyer, G., and Thomas, J., (1989b) 'Baudy World of the Byte Bandit: a post-modernist interpretation of the CU', paper presented at the American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Reno, November 1989 available at http://www.eff.org/Net_culture/Postmodernism/byte_bandit.paper .
Meyer G. R. and Thomas, J., (1990) '(Witch)Hunting for the Computer Underground: Joe McCarthy in a Leisure Suit', The Critical Criminologist, 2nd September 1990, p. 225-253.
Michalowski, R. and Pfuhl, E., (1990) 'Technology, Property, and Law: The Case of Computer Crime', Contemporary Crisis, 1990, 250-283.
Mizrach, S., (undated) 'Is Cyberpunk the Counterculture of the 1990s?, available at http://www.eff.org/Net_culture/Cyberpunk/cpunk_as_counterculture.article.
Moreiras, A. (1993) 'The Leap and the Lapse: Hacking a Private Site in Cyberspace' in Conley, V. (ed), (1993), (191-206).
Mungo, P. (1991) 'Satanic Viruses', Gentlemen's Quarterly, Feb.
1991, Issue 20 (British Edition), 126-130.
Murray, W. (1992) 'On Computer Security and Public Trust' in NCCV (1992).
National Conference on Computing and Values [NCCV] (1992), Computing Security New Haven, Southern Connecticut State University.
Nuttall, N. (1993) 'Healthy hobby that becomes obsession', The Times, Thursday March 18 1993, p. 5.
Paglia, C. (1990) Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nerfititi to Emily Dickinson, London: Penguin.
Parrish Jr. E., (1989) 'Hacking is a crime, Pure and Simple', Vol 2, Iss 24, Feb 1989.
Peláez, E., (1988) 'A Gift from Pandora's Box: The Software Crisis' PhD Thesis, Edinburgh University.
Peláez, E., (1990) 'Soft Ware', Paper for the workshop on Social Perspectives of Software, Oxford, January 1990.
Peterson, J., (undated), 'Hackers In Chains: Encounters With Some Infamous Computer Hackers In Federal Prison' available at http://www.grayarea.com/steal2.html.
Peterson, J., (Agent Steal), (1997), 'Everything A Hacker Needs To Know About Getting Busted By The Feds', available at http://www.grayarea.com/agsteal.html
Phillips, M., (1993) 'Computers Turned My Boy Into A Robot', Daily Mirror, Thursday March 18 1993, p. 1+4.
Pithers, M., and Watts, S., (1993) 'Hacker penetrated MoD', The Independent, Tuesday 18 March 1993, p. 1.
Postman, N., (1990) 'Informing ourselves to death', German Informatics Society, 11 Oct 1990, Stuttgart, available at: http://www.eff.org/Net_culture/Criticisms/informing_ourselves_to_death.paper.
PR Newswire (1985) Thursday July 18, 1985, p2, available at: http://www.dsl.org/m/doc/arc/nws/hcknews.hac
Quittner, J. and Slatalla, M., (1995), Masters of Deception: the gang that ruled cyberspace, London: Vintage.
Rasmussen, B., and Hapnes, T., (1991) 'Excluding Women From the Technologies of the Future? A case study of the culture of computer science', Futures, December 1991.
Rayner, Jay. (1997) 'The Virtual Philanderer', The Observer, Life section March 1st 1997 p.11.
Ross, A. (1991) Strange Weather, London: Verso.
Roszak, T. (1986) The Cult of Information: The Folklore of Computers and the True Art of Thinking, Cambridge (UK): Lutterworth Press.
Saffo, P., (1989) 'What is Cyberspace?' Communications of the ACM, Vol. 32, no.6, 664-665.
Sardar, Z., and Ravetz, J., (1996) Cyberfutures: Culture and Politics on the Information Superhighway, London: Pluto Press.
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Segan, S. (2000: June 2nd) 'Part I: Hacker Women Are Few But Strong'. Available at: http://abcnews.go.com/sections/tech/DailyNews/hackerwomen000602.html
Segan, S. (2000: June 9th) 'Part II: Female Hackers Face Challenges.' Available at: http://abcnews.go.com/sections/tech/DailyNews/hackerwomen000609.html
Segan.S (2000: June 14th) ABCNEWS.com : 'Feedback on "Female Hackers"'http://abcnews.go.com/sections/tech/DailyNews/hackerfeedback_000619.html
Shallis, M., (1984) The Silicon Idol: The Micro-revolution and its Social Implications, London: Oxford University Press.
Sherizen, S. (1992) 'The End of the (Ab)User Friendly Era', in NCCV (1992), 39-45.
Shimomura, R., (1996), Takedown: the pursuit and capture of Kevin Mitnick the world's most notorious cybercriminal by the man who did it, with John Markoff, London: Secker and Warburg.
Shotton, Margaret A. (1989) Computer Addiction? A Study of Computer Dependency, London, Taylor and Francis.
Silicon Surfer, (1990) 'Playgrounds of the Mind: Cyberspace', Computer Underground Digest, Vol. 2:17.
Spafford, E. H., (1990) 'Are Computer Hacker Break-Ins Ethical?' Purdue University Technical Report, CSD-TR-994.
Spafford, E.H., (1991) 'Three Letters On Computer Security and Society', Purdue University Technical Report, CSD-TR-91-088.
Spertus, E., (1991) 'Why are There so Few Female Computer Scientists?' Unpublished paper, MIT.
Springer, C. (1996) Electronic Eros: Bodies and Desire in the Postindustrial Age, Austin: University of Texas Press.
Stallman, R., (1985) 'The GNU Manifesto', Cambridge (Mass.): Free Software Foundation.
Steele, K., (1988) 'The Social Construction of the Software Crisis', unpublished work placement report, The Centre for Research into Innovation Culture and Technology: Brunel University.
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Sterling, B., (1991) CyberView 91 Report, available at: http://www.eff.org/Publications/Bruce_Sterling/cyberview_91.report.
Sterling, B., (1992) The Hacker Crackdown, London, Viking.
Stockfield, B., (1991) 'Why the Legion of Doom has little to fear from the Feds', Business Week , April 22, 1991, p. 62..
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Taylor, P. (1998) 'Hackers: Cyberpunks or Microserfs?' Information Communication & Society Vol 1 No. 4 pp401-419.
(1999) Hackers:Crime in the Digital Sublime, London: Routledge.
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Thomas, J., (1990) 'Review of the Cuckoo's Egg' CuD Vol 1.06, File 4 of 5.
Thomas, J., (1990) 'EFF Response to the Atlanta sentencing', Vol. 2.07, Computer Underground Digest.
Thompson, K., (1984) 'Reflections on Trusting Trust', Communications of the ACM, Vol 27, No.8., 761-763.
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Virtual Play: Baudrillard Online - available at http://www.eff.org/Net_culture/Postmodernism/HTML/beadrillard_online.html
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