Criteria to Assess |
70+ |
60 - 69 |
50 - 59 |
40 - 49 |
39 or less |
1 Display of insights into the course content |
Explicit display of clear insights |
Display of clear insights |
Some display of insights |
Few insights |
No insights |
2 Demonstation of own research/reading |
Very clear demonstration of own research/reading |
Demonstrates own research/reading |
Demonstrates some research/reading |
Weak demonstration |
Very poor research |
3 Presentation of sound argument and exploration of topic |
Very sound presentation |
Sound |
Acceptable argument and exploration of topic presented |
Adequate |
Poor argument and exploration |
4 Command of requisite skills (clear, concise, easy to read and coherent) |
Excellent command |
Good command |
Reasonable command. Writing not always clear but no incoherent lengthy paragraphs |
Basic command. Writing not always clear. Some incoherent or casual argument |
Poor command in all aspects |