Today is the first time in many years that I have felt hopeful about the general global political situation. Three women have stirred this hope.

On Monday, in New York, crowning a global wave of strikes and protests around the climate emergency, Greta Thunberg told the UN what’s what in no uncertain terms:
See ‘The climate crisis explained in 10 charts’
This morning, the eleven most senior judges in the United Kingdom, the Supreme Court led by Brenda Hale, asserted in uncompromising terms the sovereignty of Parliament over a wayward and unelected executive bent on a City led disaster capitalism:
Full text of Lady Hale’s judgement Video:
This evening, Nancy Pelosi, the leader of the House of Representatives in the United States, announced the beginning of impeachment proceedings against a similarly wayward President who lost the popular vote, and has been abusing his office for the past three years.
New York Times article and video
Today the tide turned.
By 2025 we should be marching lock-step – in a global green new deal – towards a better world likely to survive the coming climatic onslaught we are already too late to stop, and winning the battle to prevent it getting worse. Today there is hope.
Today there is hope for Greta’s generation, and all who follow.
But, sadly, by February Hope seeks a thread to cling to
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