Understanding Digital Events

David’s new book, “Understanding Digital Events: Bergson, Whitehead, and the Experience of the Digital” was published in May 2019, by Routledge. This book featured chapters written by each of the contributors to the Colloquium on Digital Events that took place in June 2018 as part of David’s British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship.
1. Introduction by David Kreps and Jessica Muirhead
2. Technology, Narrative, and Performance in the Social Theatre by Mark Coeckelbergh
3. Not Merely Physical by Malcolm Garrett
4. Event and Mind: An Expanded Bergsonian Perspective by Yasushi Hirai
5. From Darkness to Light: Design to Evoke the Unconscious by Chris Bush And Elizabeth Buie
6. Digital Events and the Ethics of Neuro-ICT by Bernd Stahl
7. Experiencing Reality Alive: Bergson and Whitehead on Engaged Experience by Tina Röck
8. Discussion and Conclusions for the Notion of Infomateriality by David Kreps
Kreps, D., (ed.) (2019) Understanding Digital Events: Bergson, Whitehead, and the Experience of the Digital. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780367144463