Infomateriality at ICIS San Francisco

In December 2018 David presented his paper on why Infomateriality is not sociomateriality at the International Conference on Information Systems, in San Francisco, California, US. The paper and its poster can be viewed here.

This presentation coincided with the submission of the manuscript of the British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship Colloquium book to Routledge, and almost brings the Understanding Digital Events project to a close.  The contract with Routledge for the final monograph of the project has also now been signed, with the manuscript due to the publishers next Summer.

It has been an extraordinary journey, and David would like to especially thank Jessica Muirhead for her hard work as Research Assistant in the Spring and Summer, and co-authoring chapters and papers arising from the project.


Kreps, D. (2018) ‘Infomateriality’, presented at International Conference on Information Systems, San Francisco, December 2018.

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1 Response

  1. March 30, 2021

    […] book, which grew out of the SIGPHIL in AIS, had been in preparation for some years, and it was in December 2018 in San Francisco at ICIS when Nik and David talked about a potential chapter.  This chapter, therefore, grew directly out […]