IFIP Board
David has attended the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)’s General Assembly (GA) for some years, now: in Sri Lanka in 2017, in Poland in 2018, and in Ukraine in 2019. This year it took place on Zoom. At this year’s GA David won two votes: first, GA enthusiastically supporting David’s proposal for an IFIP Code of Ethics – now applicable to National Computing Societies across the world, crowning a year’s work Chairing a Task and Finish Group (set up at GA in Kiev) to consult and draw together the document.
Secondly, David was elected to the IFIP Board – the governing body of the International Federation. See the list of IFIP Board Members at this page https://www.ifip.org//index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=74&Itemid=448
Two councillors reached the end of their terms this year, and following a series of presentations a vote took place in General Assembly to replace them, and David was one of those who was elected to be a Councillor on the IFIP Board. David will serve a three year term (renewable once) beginning September 2020. The Board meets annually in March, as well as in September at GA. This is a great opportunity for David to bring his expertise and values to the steering of this venerable institution in the field.