Time of Our Lives: Understanding irreversible complex user experiences
David presented a paper at HCC11 in Turku, Finland, in July 2014, entitled The Time of our Lives: Understanding Irreversible Complex User Experiences. The proceedings are published by Springer.
Abstract: The science of complexity has been introduced to IS but thus far with seemingly little impact. This paper argues that its application can be located in the burgeoning field of User Experience in digital business practice. Both these developments are looking at time in a new way, specifically at the irreversibility of many living processes, whilst simultaneously involving, including, and relying upon very scientific and computational data. The paper introduces a forthcoming research project with a UX company seeking to discover more.
Kreps, D (2014) ‘The Time of our Lives: Understanding Irreversible Complex User Experiences’ Paper delivered at HCC11, Turku, Finland, July 2014