These are not sub-urban characters discussing murder at a cocktail party. This is dis-information.
In August '96 we created a devised experimental musictheatre piece with a mixed cast and pit band from the local community, in Tamworth's plush Victorian Assembly Rooms.
The Global Media Soap Opera:
In the modern Information Age, over 70% of the workforce are engaged in exchanging, collating, and manipulating information. The great tycoons of our era are not landlords, mill owners, or captains of industry, they are the Media Moguls who control the newspapers, tv and radio stations that absorb us all in the Daily News and the Entertainment industry. What is true? Is it the wise old saying of the tribal elder? Is it the printed words in the published text? Or is it the homely look and reassuring voice of the politician on our screens? Screen-culture has changed the nature of truth: Truth = Entertainment in the Information Age.
In the Global Media Soap Opera everyone is a performer, and wars and whole economies depend on making the right impression. Where has humanity gone in all this? How do we discover who we really are when so many enticing Lifestyles smile at us from the supermarket shelf? In an age of global communication just what is being said?
Mind Blowing
Pursuing academic concerns with the cultural impact of new technologies, alongside a desire to create an opportunity for some 'Tammies' to speak their minds, Tek-No! was to become, as one reviewer put it: a"positively mind-blowing statement...that asks so many questions and deliberately leaves so many of them ensemble piece par excellence." Anthony Sherratt, (Winner, Regional Film Critic of the Year, 1995)