In May '93 we created an "environmental" promenade version of the Biblical story of the Deluge, with sixty Primary School children from the South Devon village of Dartington.
Taking over the entire school, from lunchtime on, for two weeks, working with a number of other artists, we divided up the pupils into groups to create, separately: - a portable collective mural for the Ark, mounted on card, which could walk around the grounds following the action as it unfolded, - an animal dance troupe, representing through movement a range of different creatures famously included on the Ark, - a collective video in documentary style telling the story of the Deluge from the viewpoint of Noah's family, - and a 'rap' group consisting of pit-band and chorus led by two 10yr old rappers!
Pulling these diverse projects together on the last days into a promenade performance that led the audience of mums and dads around the entire school we managed a finale in the main playground that brought the broadest smile of pride from the Headmaster any of the staff had ever seen! (The thousands of pounds worth of video and music technology we had brought into his school may have had something to do with it...)