The Participants:

Participants in the process will have had little or no previous performance experience. This is a demanding process designed to leave participants with both the skills and confidence to attempt work of their own. Each production is a new and original piece, created through an experimental devising process. Each new work is paralleled and informed by academic research into contemporary cultural theory and performance. Participants gain the benefit of professional direction, building practical skills in both theatrical and musical Performance.

Four Quarters gratefully acknowledge the support of: -

Our working practice is informed by many years of diverse experience, and easily adaptable to the requirements of individual projects.

Four Quarters MusicTheatre

In musictheatre productions, typically, after sometimes lengthy developmental phases, we work to either a five- or three-week devising process.

The aims of the company are:

The 3-Week Process:

The intention is to create a company, to create a piece, rehearse, and perform it, in three weeks flat. We start with a theme. No script, no set, no costumes, no score - yet. All participants take part in the Week One Group Dynamics sessions. In Week Two image-theatre, music and movement workshops combine with participants' writings on the theme (edited together by the director into a script,) to create the piece. In Week Three we rehearse together toward the performance, and everyone is involved in creating and erecting the set. The real source material is the people involved.