Promotion to Reader
In October 2017 David’s work was recognised at the University of Salford by a promotion to the academic rank of Reader. David was one of 10 members of staff to be recognised in this way, by the University this year. The biography that appeared in the press release neatly sums up his achievements to date:
“Dr David Kreps (Salford Business School)
David is a British Academy Mid-Career Fellow, and the new Chair of the International Federation for Information Processing’s Technical Committee 9 on ICT and Society. He chairs IFIP TC9’s flagship conference, Human Choice and Computers, which came to MediaCityUK in 2016, and will be in Poznan, Poland next year for the 13th IFIP TC9 Human Choice and Computers Conference. He is also Senior Editor of the journal “Information Technology and People”. David has received funding for his work from European Social Fund, EU FP7, ESRC/InnovateUK, and most recently the British Academy.
He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and eLearning Group Leader and TEL Champion for Salford Business School. David was also Director of the Information Systems, Organisations and Society Research Centre before it became the Centre for Digital Business, to which he continues to contribute. His books include, Bergson, Complexity and Creative Emergence (Palgrave), Gramsci and Foucault: A Reassessment (Routledge), and Technology and Intimacy: Choice or Coercion (Springer). He is currently writing a new book for Routledge, Against Nature: the Metaphysics of Information Systems – a Theoretical Manifesto for Green IT.
To read more about David you can visit his website.”